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Below are some comments from Elizabeth Grant RN BSN of Gloucester County Department of Health & Human Services  that we will adhere to in the event we're able to resume play.

if an individual on the team or coach tests positive you will need to look at each case individually in order to properly contact trace. Here are a few pointers:


·         Individual tests positive

·         Are they symptomatic or asymptomatic?

·         If symptomatic, we look at 48 hours prior to symptoms in order to do contact tracing

·         If asymptomatic, we look back 48 hours prior to test date for contact tracing

·         Was child there within the infectious period?

·         If child was there, were they around others?

·         Do they have siblings on another team?

·         If there are then they need to go home and quarantine for 14 days(sometimes it can get tricky, if sibling lives in same home as a positive parent or other child they normally would have to quarantine for 14 days after the positive family member finishes their 10 day isolation. This could make child(that is a contact) actually be out of school/sports for 24 days.

·         In most cases with contact sports, if child was around others for 10 minutes or longer(less than 6 feet apart) even with a mask on is still considered a close contact and that team should quarantine at home for 14 days(no school, no sports/activities) for 14 days from last exposure.

·         If they played another team that team may also need to shut down for 14 days, unless you are able to sufficiently contact trace.

·         As in coaches, if they are 6 feet away then they wouldn’t necessarily be considered a close contact

·         Sharing equipment is another factor that gets tricky

Elizabeth Grant RN BSN

Senior Public Health Nurse

Gloucester County Department of Health & Human Services


Field Status

Closed Closed

WMS (01:19 PM | 04/16/20)

Closed Closed

5/6 (01:19 PM | 04/16/20)

Closed Closed

7/8 (01:19 PM | 04/16/20)

Closed Closed

WHS (01:28 PM | 11/13/19)

Closed Closed

Far court (01:19 PM | 04/16/20)

Closed Closed

Middle Court (01:19 PM | 04/16/20)

Closed Closed

Front court (01:19 PM | 04/16/20)

Closed Closed

Radix (12:46 PM | 12/03/19)

Closed Closed

Field 1 (01:19 PM | 04/16/20)

Closed Closed

Oak Knoll (01:19 PM | 04/16/20)

Closed Closed

Whitehall (01:19 PM | 04/16/20)

Open Open

Holly Glen (08:09 AM | 12/12/21)

Open Open

Field 1 (08:09 AM | 12/12/21)