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MTYB Abuse Prevention Policy & Procedures ("Policy") 

Monroe Township Youth Basketball (MTYB) considers the safety and well-being of the youth in our programs a top priority. Abuse within our organization is prohibited. This includes, without limitation, the type of behavior outlined as prohibited by this Policy, which is not intended to be exhaustive. By way of the policy and procedures outlined herein, we strive to proactively prevent abuse and adequately address allegations of such conduct by the reporting measures included herein. We encourage communication and require reporting of any concerns of possible abuse and will strive to act on such concerns in an equitable way in accordance with our policies. MTYB will report suspected abuse to the proper law enforcement agency(ies), as determined by MTYB’s Board or applicable law. 

Policy and Procedures: 

MTYB has adopted this Policy in an effort to provide a safe environment for our coaches, athletes, and their families. Specifically, MTYB considers the safety and well-being of our Athletes as paramount. "Athlete" shall refer to an enrolled MTYB athlete between the age of four and nineteen. The MTYB Board will display this Policy on its website, and review this policy with coaches and volunteers annually. 

Background Check – All current and potential coaches will be subject to a background check to obtain a Megan’s Law badge, including, without limitation, appropriate inquiries regarding any previous record of sexual or physical abuse or other unlawful activity. Background checks to obtain the necessary Megan’s Law badge must be updated at least every three (3) years for each coach. 

Practices, Trainings, and Other Interactions - Team meetings, practices and training sessions are permitted if the interaction occurs at an observable and interruptible distance by another adult.  No one-on-one training or meetings should occur with an MTYB Athlete without parental consent and a representative from the MTYB Board present. 

Electronic Communication - Generally, MTYB does not encourage private electronic communication between a coach/volunteer and an Athlete.  However, all such communication to an Athlete or player should generally be limited to information submitted for the purpose of communicating information about team activities.  In general, consent should be obtained from the Athlete's parent or legal guardian, and the parent or legal guardian should be included on all applicable electronic communications.  Further, any electronic communication between an MTYB coach or volunteer and an Athlete must be observant of healthy and appropriate boundaries. The dissemination of sexually explicit, offensive or otherwise inappropriate communications is expressly prohibited and shall be deemed a violation of this Policy. 

Social Media - An Athlete may “friend” or “follow” MTYB’s Official Pages on any electronic medium, however they are prohibited from “friending”, “following”, or “adding” (or any other similar terms or functionality on any social media platform) the personal pages of MTYB coaches or volunteers. Accordingly, MTYB coaches and volunteers should refrain from accepting “friend requests” or “follow requests”(or other similar terms or functionality on any social media platform) from an Athlete.

Transportation - Generally, an MTYB coach or volunteer may transport an Athlete if: (1)the MTYB coach or volunteer has written consent from a parent or legal guardian, and: (2)another MTYB coach or volunteer is present in the vehicle; or (3)there is at least one other Athlete present in the vehicle.

Prohibited Behavior: 

  • Use of degrading language or behavior. Coaches are also responsible for stopping disrespectful behavior by a team member, or from another coach on the team, including, without limitation, sexual harassment. 

  • Threatening to, or intentionally inflicting, physical injury upon any person, especially an Athlete. Coaches are also responsible for stopping this behavior by a team member, or from another coach on the team. 

  • Committing any sexual offense against an Athlete, or engaging in any sexual contact with an Athlete. 

  • Making any sexual advance, or engaging in any other verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature with an Athlete. 

  • Non-related one-adult/one-Athlete interaction, except in an emergency where not allowing such interaction would, in the opinion of a reasonable person, be dangerous to the Athlete. In an emergency situation, the coach or volunteer must promptly contact a representative of MTYB to inform them of this contact and the reason for it. Individual instruction between a coach and an Athlete is allowed if requested by the Athlete's parent or guardian; however, such consent shall be obtained in writing and provided to the MTYB Board. 

  • MTYB coaches and volunteers are prohibited from sending private electronic messages, including photos via Snapchat, Instagram, or similar social media platform to an Athlete.

Reporting of Suspected Child Sexual Abuse or Other Inappropriate Conduct: 

Any reports of suspected sexual or physical abuse or other inappropriate conduct should be reported immediately to a member of the MTYB Board. In the event of an allegation of sexual or physical abuse, the applicable MTYB representative will promptly notify the Board who will review the allegations and notify proper law enforcement agencies. All coaches, volunteers, parents and program participants are directed and required to report to the MTYB Board any incident of physical or sexual abuse or suspected physical or sexual abuse that they witness or that is reported to them. This does not preclude individuals from reporting actual or suspected physical or sexual abuse to the proper law enforcement authorities. The selected MTYB Board member will keep the MTYB Board fully informed as to any allegation of physical or sexual abuse and the measures being taken, including the reporting of such allegations to proper law enforcement authorities. Should a suspected incident of physical or sexual abuse be reported to MTYB, the coach/volunteer in question may be temporarily suspended from duties while an investigation takes place.

Field Status

Closed Closed

WMS (01:19 PM | 04/16/20)

Closed Closed

5/6 (01:19 PM | 04/16/20)

Closed Closed

7/8 (01:19 PM | 04/16/20)

Closed Closed

WHS (01:28 PM | 11/13/19)

Closed Closed

Far court (01:19 PM | 04/16/20)

Closed Closed

Middle Court (01:19 PM | 04/16/20)

Closed Closed

Front court (01:19 PM | 04/16/20)

Closed Closed

Radix (12:46 PM | 12/03/19)

Closed Closed

Field 1 (01:19 PM | 04/16/20)

Closed Closed

Oak Knoll (01:19 PM | 04/16/20)

Closed Closed

Whitehall (01:19 PM | 04/16/20)

Open Open

Holly Glen (08:09 AM | 12/12/21)

Open Open

Field 1 (08:09 AM | 12/12/21)